Monday 4 August 2014

Garden Edging on Any Budget

Those who are fond of gardening and maintain a lawn in their homes know the importance of a good edging in their gardens. The most simple and stylish border that helps in separating a lawn from the garden’s rest of the portion is called an edging. It may be made up of plastic, aluminum or steel. They are nearly 4 inches of strips of these materials that are partially sunk into the soil. They are easy to bend and curve to give a beautiful smooth look to the grassy divisions. In most cases the steel and metal strips are painted and provide a hidden defined edge to the grass and garden beds. The plastic strip is also very effective but it has a bulging edge on the top that is black in color and becomes prominent in certain places. These types of edging are most effective in areas which are level and plain. If your garden is steep and dippy, then paver border is recommended.

The costs of the aluminum and steel edging is around the same, but aluminum is much lighter in weight. Steel option is very heavy. It is about four time heavier to lift. While installing the aluminum edging make sure that half an inch is held above the ground. This will prevent the grass roots from crossing the side of the strips. In this way the edge remains near to invisible but still becomes effective in creating the perfect separation.  If there are any sharp edges at the top, they should be removed with a filing tool.

While buying the edging in your budget, the steel and aluminum edging the right selection. Although not available in all local nurseries, they are sold at large gardening stores and landscaping centers. These are professional stores with a large variety of gardening supplies available for sale. One drawback of the steel edging is that it is very easily prone to rusting. However if you select aluminum borders they are rust proof. They are also available in large number of different colors to choose from. They are not easily found at all gardening stores and can be ordered on special demand.  The plastic version of the garden edging tool is the easiest to locate at every gardening store and nursery. It can be selected from heavy duty version to regular version depending on the budget and requirement of the user. It is always advisable to buy the harder material because it is much longer lasting and durable against bumps and damages.

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